Edelson News

Edelson and Associates Run/Walk for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Edelson and Associates Run/Walk for Autism Spectrum DisordersThe 2013 Outrunning Autism 5K and Family Fun Walk were held on September 21st at Westport Villiage. This event is hosted by Families for  Effective Autism Treatment (FEAT).  Edelson and Associates had a very nice turnout of staff, family, and friends to assist in raising funds for this excellent cause.  We are awaiting the final totals from the walk but the number of individuals attending was quite impressive and it was a nice day for a run, brisk walk, bubbles, music, and fundraising.

FEATof Louisville was founded in December 1999 by a group of parents searching for answers to their children’s complex medical problems and educational needs. FEAT is a non-profit organization that actively supports and funds autism programs for the entire family.

Our self-pay rates will soon be updated. Please contact our staff for more information.