Additional Info about Multiple Sclerosis
Some months ago, my colleague, Donna Smith, M.A., wrote a blog, presenting some basic information about Multiple Sclerosis and, specifically…
Hopelessness, Shame and Guilt Increase Risk of Self Harm
Of the clinical issues we face as psychologists, suicide risk can be one of the more challenging areas to assess, predict, and discuss with our…
Children And Anxiety
Life presents all individuals with a variety of stressors across the lifespan. Children often experience significant anxiety as they attempt…
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Information for Parents and Caregivers
In my work with children, adolescents, and families, few events create more confusion, concern, and fear for parents/caregivers than discovering…
Understanding Executive Skills
Our understanding of the brain and how it functions across development is constantly changing. The New York Times in a web article…
New Research on the Brain
Research continues to expand our understanding of brain functions. This includes improving our knowledge of the role of different areas…
Pediatric Epilepsy
Over this last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at 2014 Not Another Moment Lost to Seizures Statewide…
Pediatric Depression
I recently had the opportunity to attend training at the Third Annual Symposium on Pediatric Behavioral and Mental…
Strategies For School Success
Parents want their children to succeed in school, which can be very challenging for young students. Central to mastering Reading…
Parkinson’s and Depression
In the wake of Robin William’s tragic suicide this past week, I felt compelled to share some thoughts on not only the topic of…